Custom-made improvement programs

We design your customer experience program around your challenges and ambitions. We leverage our expertise in these five customer experience building blocks to reach your customer experience goals



Are your looking for inspiration on customer centricity? 

During our interactive training sessions we will educate your team on customer centricity. Our tailor-made training sessions focus on the behavioral change required to reach your customer centricity goals.

During our key notes we love to inspire your team with speaking customer experience transformations across industries.

ICX lab is a recognized service provider for the SME portfolio. Registration number ICX lab: DV.0238278.

Book your training or key note now 

Mediocre customer experience is the norm, great customer experience is rare.

- Forrester CXi study -

“ICX lab brought the team to the next level, providing clear priorities and guidance. ICX lab managed to align an international and cross-departmental team of stakeholders, which was key in the roll-out of our program. ”

- Karlien Malfroid -
IT director at Mohawk Industries

“ICX lab inspired me to focus on my best asset: my clients. With that insight I'm truly committed to grow my organisation in a customer-centric way.”

- Sacha Waedemon -

“ICX lab's lecture was interesting and entertaining. I'll especially remember the importance of putting your customer at the heart of your sales process.”

- Thomas Hysselinckx -
Founder of Cashplannr

Let’s keep it simple and get together.

Every success story starts with a good conversation. 
Get in touch and receive more information.

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