Operate the way your customers want to be served

Companies that deliver best-in-class customer experiences hold a true differentiator in today's market. By mapping your customers' desired journey you can make the difference too. Your customers' journey is the foundation to start building customer-centric processes to make each interactions with your customer more qualitative and more impactful, ultimately resulting into higher revenue.

Getting your customer journey in place starts with the analysis of your customer behaviour: how do they buy and want to be served? Based on these insights we structure your go-to-market processes and finally define how to adapt your tools. This 3-steps approach ensure a customer-centric (digital) transformation of your go-to-market organisation. 

What can you expect? 

During the customer journey deep-dive we will: 

  • Define your customer jouney: the comprehensive overview of all customer interations, both non-digital & digital
  • Adjust your go-to-market processes to support the customer journey
  • Define clear roles & ownership for each process step
  • Define how your employees will collaborate to turn your customer interactions into customer delight
  • Define a roadmap to adapt your tools to support each customer interaction
  • Specify key customer-centric behaviour for customer facing staff 
  • Define customer delight guidelines for employees across the organisation

During the customer journey deep-dive we work cross-departemental to ensure the entire customer journey is covered.

How will we support you? 

Customer experience transformations need to be carried by the entire organisation to be succesful. We'll guide you to bring and keep all departments around the table. To ultimately craft an organisation that supports your customer in every single interaction. 

Contact Ineke for a tailored proposal

89% of customers make buying decisions based on experience, ahead of price and product. 6 years ago that number was only 12% 

- Forrester -

“ICX lab brought the team to the next level, providing clear priorities and guidance. ICX lab managed to align an international and cross-departmental team of stakeholders, which was key in the roll-out of our program. ”

- Karlien Malfroid -
IT director at Mohawk Industries

“ICX lab inspired me to focus on my best asset: my clients. With that insight I'm truly committed to grow my organisation in a customer-centric way.”

- Sacha Waedemon -

“ICX lab's lecture was interesting and entertaining. I'll especially remember the importance of putting your customer at the heart of your sales process.”

- Thomas Hysselinckx -
Founder of Cashplannr

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Every success story starts with a good conversation. 
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